On 22 May 2014 02:05, Karen Sandler <ka...@gnome.org> wrote:
> On 2014-05-21 13:35, Jeff Fortin wrote:
>> Not to say that candidates shouldn't have a minimum commitment/know what
>> the heck they're getting into, but at the same time, there's only so
>> much people can do *in their spare time* with their daily life
>> commitments.
> As has been mentioned many times, it's a heck of a lot of work to be a GNOME
> board member and there are a lot of action items that get generated,
> especially while we're in transition on ED. The work load is just really
> high.
> While everyone's paying close attention to these issues, I had an idea that
> I thought I'd throw out there: I think it would be awesome if we could have
> a list of volunteers who the board can ask to do some of the action items.
> It could be a relatively low impact way to get some experience working on
> things connected to the Foundation's operations and help out (and build a
> resume for a future board candidacy). Some things will obviously need to be
> handled by a board member, like things that are for some reason confidential
> or needed to be handled by someone with corporate authority but things like:
> "research payment options for website" or "price out different sticker
> suppliers" or even "email foundation-list to set up a meeting" are things
> that are easy to take one-off and add up for board members. We could call it
> the Executive Assistance Committee or something like that (if we add GNOME
> in front of that, we could be the GEACs, pronouned Geeks!) and if some
> people linger in a special IRC channel (#assist?) especially during meetings
> it will make it even easier for them to help out and be low impact for the
> board to contact them.

There's already an action item which is ready for volunteers to take
up that was sent to foundation-list recently:

That email does not go into much detail, but essentially, we need a
report on the options and how much they would cost us so that we can
assess whether it's worth outsourcing handling of Friends of GNOME

> Want to help? Sign up, and say if there are areas you're particularly
> interested or experienced for (though anyone could be pinged for anything).
> For example, I volunteer myself (in the case I am not elected):
> Karen Sandler: legal or fundraising related things in particular
> I'm so excited by all of the interest right now and thinking we should take
> advantage :D
> karen
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