On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 9:01 AM, Stormy Peters <sto...@gnome.org> wrote:
> Did anything happen with the adboard at FOSDEM? It's very important to keep
> up relationships with adboard members if we want to continue to depend on
> them for financial contributions. And you should never pass up a chance to
> meet with them in person!

I agree completely.  It's a lot harder without a executive director
who primarily does this.  That said, I did send a note out about
having an adboard meeting possibly during the Conservency dinner.  We
generally have enough members do one at FOSDEM.  This time we did not
have a quorom unfortunately.


> Stormy
> On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 2:51 PM, Andrea Veri <a...@gnome.org> wrote:
>> = Minutes for Friday, January 23th, 2015, 17:00 UTC =
>> Next meeting due on February 6th, 2015 at 17:00 UTC
>> == Attending ==
>>  * Ekaterina Gerasimova
>>  * Rosanna Yuen
>>  * Marina Zhurakhinskaya
>>  * Jeff Fortin
>>  * Andrea Veri
>>  * Karen Sandler
>>  * Tobias Mueller
>>  * Sriram Ramkrishna
>> == Regrets ==
>> == Missing ==
>> == Board meeting ==
>>  * Adboard meeting at FOSDEM 2015
>>    * Unfortunately was not organized yet, so possibility of piggybacking
>> on the SFC dinner event with a "GNOME table"? ($40 in advance/euro 40 at the
>> door per attendee)
>>    * People can go on an individual basis, but the general feeling among
>> board members seems to be "we're probably not setting this up as an official
>> event"; maybe just sending an informal invitation email to the adboard list
>> to let them know they can join us there
>>    * ACTION: Sri to send an informal invitation mail to the adboard for
>> the event
>>  * Next steps for the Outreach Program
>>   * Marina sent an e-mail to board-list with all the planned next steps
>> for the OP
>>    * This is a follow-up to a discussion we started during the GUADEC 2014
>> board meeting about the growth & requirements for the Outreach Program
>>    * GNOME has been a good home to launch and grow the project so far, but
>> the program has somewhat outgrown the capabilities of GNOME. Preparations
>> are being made to create an environment where the OP can grow over time
>> without creating too much burden to the GNOME Foundation (in terms of
>> workload on the Board, Rosanna's time handling the payments and invoices)
>>    * OP is being renamed to "Outreachy"
>>    * OP would be joining the SFC; GNOME would still be providing its
>> infrastructure, for the time of the transition
>>   * When this round will end (around March) funds (general OP and travel
>> funds) will have to be transferred from the GNOME Foundation to the SFC
>>    * Obligations (reimbursements etc.) will be then moved to the SFC
>> itself
>>    * Rosanna will still be required to help out OP with invoicing /
>> reimbursement till the end of March
>>    * Travel allowances will still have to be approved by the Board for
>> this (round that ends in March) and previous rounds
>>   * VOTE: The board agrees to move of OP to the SF Conservancy to further
>> the growth of the program. GNOME will continue to be the infrastructure
>> partner for the time being. Details on the transfering of funds and any
>> other information and the exact timetable will be established in due course,
>> upon consulation with counsel.
>>     * The GNOME Foundation would not be bound by the contract of the SFC.
>> The primary reason for this vote is that SFC wants to make sure that "GNOME
>> is okay with this move"
>>     * +1 from Jeff, Tobi, Sri, Kat, Andrea - Karen & Marina abstain
>>   * ACTION: Karen & Marina should provide a more detailed plan as things
>> are being figured out (timeframe, next steps)
>>  * 500$ materials sponsorship request for GNOME Peru Fest 2015
>>   * VOTE: approve the 500$ materials sponsorship: +1 unanimous
>>  * Next board meeting: our backlog is huge. We could have an extra meeting
>> right after FOSDEM, intsead of waiting 2 weeks.
>>    * ACTION: Tobi/Sri to evaluate the situation while at FOSDEM and
>> request an extra meeting if needed
>> Deferred:
>>  * Responding to a phone press inquiry asking to reach Stormy Peters
>>   * Comment from Stormy: "There is a press mailing list to deal with press
>> inquiries. And if they are looking for me, they should be able to find me
>> but you are welcome to point them my way."
>>   * ACTION: maybe Rosanna can check with the caller to see what he wants
>> and see if we need to get back to him by press contact, or if he really
>> wanted to reach Stormy in particular?
>>  * Sysadmin sponsorship: should we have a guadec-style sponsors' brochure
>> to help with that?
>>  * WHS
>>  * OEM Linux distribution including GNOME - any action required wrt Narcis
>> Garcia's email?
>>  * Review action items in kanban board, for completeness and status
>>  * ED search
>>  * Deferred until further mailing list discussion occurs from other board
>> members (or missing info):
>>    * Reviewing and harmonizing our logos & trademark guidelines wrt ®, ™,
>> etc.
>>    * Discuss plans for reviewing salaries/hourly rates of
>> employees/contractors
>>    * Trademark defense campaign has ended and been a success: start
>> evaluating the use of funds to wrap up the matter and to make GNOME better
>>    * GNOME Privacy project: what to do with the gathered funds? (hackfest?
>> internships? more ideas?)
>>    * NDA for sysadmins (for the privacy policy)
>> == Discussed on the mailing list ==
>>  * Midpoint payments to Outreach interns
>> == Completed Actions ==
>>  * Edward Swartz's "philantropist donation": Sri to email him to thank,
>> say we're getting a gift together, ask about reasons motivating his great
>> donation, maybe offer an interview? And verify his mailing address.
>> == Pending action items ==
>>  * GNOME's CoC: Board to follow up in the upcoming meetings and prepare a
>> version of the CoC to be finally considered final over all the GNOME yearly
>> events
>>  * Kat to create a private wiki page on the web services accounts holders
>> and passwords
>>   * Allan and Kat decided to go for a private git account instead for
>> security reasons
>>  * Kat to draft a proposal for a privacy policy for review
>>  * Kat to draft a contract template for future use organizations for which
>> we handle money
>>  * Karen to write the Privacy policy for GNOME services
>>  * Karen will look at gnome-software privacy issues from a legal
>> standpoint
>>  * Karen to draft a proposal for the photography policy at GNOME
>> conferences to discuss on foundation-list
>>  * Tobi to continue pursuing the fund collection in Europe
>>  * Tobi to talk to Andrea to move the PayPal data extraction scripts over
>> to the GNOME infrastructure
>>  * Sri to investigate better uses of adsense/adwords on the GNOME websites
>>  * Sri to communicate to Rosanna and work on the donation for the West
>> Coast hackfest
>>  * Sri, Marina, Kat to work on establishing criteria for drafting for the
>> hiring committee for the ED role
>>  * Sri to investigate the GNOME gifts situation
>> --
>> Cheers,
>> Andrea
>> Debian Developer,
>> Fedora / EPEL packager,
>> GNOME Sysadmin Team Coordinator,
>> GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman
>> Homepage: http://www.gnome.org/~av
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