Hi Karen,

Thanks for your questions. Responses inline:

Have you ever done any fundraising?

Yes, although not on such a scale as I would expect a GNOME director will
have to take on. More like a few small fundraisers for various charities
and perhaps more recently, some of you may remember that I managed to raise
funds to attend the GSoC summit in San Jose from Edinburgh. I had initially
accepted that invitation with absolutely no idea whatsoever how I would be
able finance any of it, but I never doubted for a second that things would
fall to place - which they did :D

I am fairly confident that the demands of fundraising for GNOME are not
likely to be a big a learning curve, as long there is a strong team of
motivated people involved. Overall, I am very keen to work with others to
develop fundraising strategies, so we can better support the work of the
GNOME community and I would be keen to do my bit to ensure we make
measurable progress on this front.

Are you comfortable asking sponsors for money?

Absolutely. We at GNOME all work hard, collectively investing the skills
and ideas which build this project into something which sponsors are
desperate to be associated with. If elected, then I feel it would be my
duty to work on behalf of those contributing members who form GNOME and I
would feel very comfortable negotiating favourable terms on behalf of the

Have you ever been in a manager role?

I won't list out my CV ;-) but the short answer is: in various ways, yes…
Mostly through charity, campaigns and advocacy volunteer work, but I also
freelanced professionally in events before I came to Edinburgh which had me
supervising others at times, as well as going through all the fun of having
to be responsible for my own accounts.

I could probably go on about this but I am reluctant to overdo it without
further prompting. Just to say, I have a fair understanding of where my
skills, abilities and interests lie. Please free to ask me to elaborate or
clarify anything if you are particularly interested in finding out about,

Do you have any experience talking to reporters?

A little bit: I was interviewed by the BBC for news at 6 when Nicola
Sturgeon was elected leader of the SNP and also recently quoted in the
student newspaper regarding wellbeing at the College of Science and
Engineering. Overall, I probably still need to polish up for this sort of
thing but I am quite lucky in that I am able to access some relevant
training, where I am.

Have you ever talked to a group of people about why software freedom is
> important?

Yes, a quite few times now. The most recent one was a presentation at EdLUG
about GNOME accessibility. Again, I still feel like I need to practice but
that last talk went pretty well by all accounts and people seemed to be
really engaged, asking lots more questions than I had expected they might,
which was very encouraging.

Thanks again for these questions!

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