Congratulations to all the new members to the GNOME Foundation!  Welcome to
the GNOME family! :-)  As I tell all new foundation members that I hope to
see great things from all of you!


On Thu, Aug 23, 2018 at 10:17 AM Andrea Veri <> wrote:

> Membership,
> The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee is proud to announce our
> newly approved Foundation Members. Please welcome and thank them for
> their great and valuable contributions over the GNOME Foundation.
> They are: *
> * Link Dupont (GNOME Engagement Team)
> * Stephen Pearce (GNOME events and websites)
> * Zander Brown (libgda and podcasts)
> * Bartłomiej Piotrowski  (Flathub and freedesktop-sdk-images)
> * Christopher Davis (Fractal and design)
> * Isaac Ferreira Filho (Brazilian l10n)
> * Nick Wellnhofer (libxml and libxslt)
> * Antoni Boucher (gtk-rs and webkit2gtk)
> * Syntax is Name Surname (area of involvement)
> For any further question you may have, feel free to mail us at
> membership-committee@gnome org.
> Best wishes,
> The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee
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> foundation-list mailing list
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