Hi Max, and thank you for the question,

Generally speaking I tend to be of the opinion that meetings should be
efficient and expedient, and for a large distributed community where
meetings are generally held behind closed doors I believe communication
should be expedient too so as to ensure transparency and foster engagement;
I appreciate that all members of the Board of Directors will be
volunteering their time and that sometimes an agenda item might not get
closed during the meeting at which the item is raised due to outstanding
action points and the need to follow up on information.

That said, the board meets weekly and while not all of these meetings
result in public minutes, I cannot see any reason why a future board
couldn't look at (considering the frequency of meetings) the fairly
standardised approach of having the approval of the previous meeting
minutes be a fixed agenda item to ensure that the minutes are published no
later than around one week after the meeting in question. Any ongoing
action items, etc., could and should be noted as such and revisited in the
agenda for subsequent meetings and updates provided in relevant later


On Tue, Jun 4, 2019 at 6:15 AM Max via foundation-list <
foundation-list@gnome.org> wrote:

> Hi Philip and all
> Thanks for reply the mail.
> Yes, I know the guidelines  for meeting minutes.
> I know the 2 weeks and I want to say  10 days just an example not a real
> number. ( So my question  is ask Board to think a way, I just suggestion )
> During the my role of GNOME.Asia team, I wrote some minutes [1] too.
> For your question:
> "I would also like to ask you: what do you think would help encourage the
> kind of discussion you are looking for, other than minutes published after
> 7 or 10 days?"
> ---- I want to  encourage more discussion with GNOME Board, in the other
> hands, how many discussion  with Minutes of Board meetings or directly to
> GNOME board last year?
> So my thinking is -- if the minutes cloud mail in more close time ( 2
> weeks is a good time ), I think  people might be more discuss with others
> or GNOME board ( Or maybe not? )
> I know the correct information is also important, but I just want to know
> if the minutes is more close -- maybe people would discuss more or want to
> do more.
> ---- for example: some minutes about GNOME.Asia --- when I see it with
> Board minutes -- it already over and I just know what discuss in the board.
> --- and that's the reason I want to ask the question.
> Thanks again to Philips work hard and reply my e-mail, and sorry for my
> poor English :p
> [1] https://wiki.gnome.org/GnomeAsia/Minutes
> Max
> On Tue, Jun 4, 2019 at 11:57 AM <philip.chime...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 3, 2019 at 5:43 PM Max via foundation-list <
>> foundation-list@gnome.org> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Thanks for running for the board.
>>> Thanks everyone who want take times to make GNOME better.
>>> Just a simple question about Minutes of the board meeting.
>>> Data and information might be different.
>>> For me - a GNOME foundation member
>>> Data - Get "Minutes of the board meeting" after 1 month or 2 weeks after.
>>> ---- Because maybe the event is already close or over.
>>> Information - Get "Minutes of the board meeting" in 1 week or 10 days.
>>> ---- Because something might be happening and everyone could discuss
>>> with board and reply.
>>> ====  Here is the question ====
>>> Could you promise to think a way --- Everyone get "Minutes of the board
>>> meeting" in a very close time?
>>> Here is my suggestion.
>>> Maybe there will be a table to record the "Minutes of the board meeting"
>>> announcement time and does it announce in short time?
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> | board meeting  |  Minutes            |   in 10 days ?
>>>     |
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> | 2019/4/29          |   2019/5/22        |      No
>>>           |
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> | 2019/4/8           |   2019/5/15        |      No
>>>            |
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> | 2019/3/13           |   2019/5/15        |      No
>>>            |
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Maybe it could be a record in GNOME annual report?
>>> ---- There are  ? % for Minutes of the board meeting on time to announce.
>>> I want to say --- It not just secretary task, It's the information we
>>> want to get from all GNOME Board member.
>>> Thanks again for all who take time to running the board
>> Hi Max,
>> This question seems quite relevant and timely, and as I'm sure you know
>> publishing the minutes has been my responsibility over the last year. You
>> may have noticed that I just replied on another foundation-list thread that
>> I am proposing a guideline to the board for best practices around minutes
>> [1].
>> I can speak about my experience publishing the minutes. Looking back over
>> the 2018-2019 board term that I've served, sometimes it's been easy for me
>> to get the minutes done by the time of the next board meeting, and
>> sometimes, as you have noticed, it takes longer. As being a director is a
>> volunteer position I don't think it's feasible to always require it to be
>> done in 7 or 10 days. Sometimes it is delayed waiting for information that
>> needs to be included in the minutes or because another director needs to
>> carry out an action item first. It seems to have been inevitable in
>> practice every year that there are sometimes delays despite each
>> secretary's best intentions. My personal opinion in a situation like this
>> where a short schedule has not proved sustainable, is that there's no point
>> in saying "I'll just do the same thing, but faster next time" as that is
>> likely to fail.
>> We could require the responsibility of writing the minutes to rotate
>> through all 7 directors so that everyone only has to do it once in a few
>> months, but I believe that it's actually important to have the same person
>> continue to write the minutes, so that they are written with a consistent
>> voice and level of detail as much as possible.
>> Part of my proposal linked above, the section named "Delays" [2], is that
>> the secretary should have the draft minutes ready to be approved after 13
>> days, to give board members 24 hours to read them before the start of the
>> meeting two weeks later. I hope that by putting the minutes as the first
>> item on the agenda for every board meeting, that will provide a consistent
>> motivation for the secretary to generally have them ready to publish after
>> 14 days, and also normalize that the secretary should ask another director
>> to prepare the minutes when their schedule is busy. I don't think this will
>> eliminate all delays, but I do think it will help share the work among the
>> directors and also make more visible to the membership when delays occur
>> and when to expect the delay to be solved.
>> I would also like to ask you: what do you think would help encourage the
>> kind of discussion you are looking for, other than minutes published after
>> 7 or 10 days?
>> [1] https://wiki.gnome.org/FoundationBoard/Minutes/Guidelines
>> [2]
>> https://wiki.gnome.org/FoundationBoard/Minutes/Guidelines#Appendix:_Delays
>> Regards,
>> --
>> Philip
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