Is this in the Sugar wiki?

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 7:26 PM, Wesley
Dillingham<> wrote:
> John,
> Have you made the project page on
> Once, the project page is established.
> Navigate in terminal to your project directory and type "git init"
> then navigate to  ./.git/config
> set the config file as follows: so git knows where to push.
> [remote "origin"]
>     url =
> in the terminal issue the following two commands, update for your
> information on
> git config --global "firstname lastname"
> git config --global ""
> Next, Navigate back to your project page in the console.
> type "git add *"  for all files in the directory or git add or
> whatever file you want git to begin tracking.
> type "git commit" this will open a text editor, make a comment about your
> changes here, e.g. "initial commit"
> finally type: "git push origin master"
> after initial commit you need only to do the last three steps for further
> commiting.
> some good references. (and where I learned to use git):
> Good luck.
> - Wes
> On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 9:53 PM, John Posner <> wrote:
>> David Farning wrote:
>> > Now that you have some code, it is time to make it public.
>> > 1.  Upload the activity to .  This is
>> > the activities library students and teachers use to grab new
>> > activities.
>> >
>> Done. The .xo is uploaded as the activity "BlockHead", and its status is
>> "1 In Sandbox file".
>> > 2. Store your code in the git repository at .  This
>> > is where developer keep their code.  By publicly posting it, when a
>> > fellow developer says, 'hum that is clever'  they can easily find out
>> > how you did something or even use your code as a base for something
>> > new and clever.
>> >
>> Need some help here. I established a user identity and uploaded an SSH2
>> (RSA) public key. I commited a git source tree on my Ubuntu 8.10 box,
>> and ran this command:
>>  git push
>> I got both a "Password:" prompt and a "'s
>> password:" prompt.  What do I enter for a password? Or am I doing it all
>> wrong?
>> Tx,
>> John
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Edward Mokurai Cherlin
Silent Thunder (默雷/धर्ममेघशब्दगर्ज/دھرممیگھشبدگر ج) is my name, and
Children are
my nation. The Cosmos is my dwelling place, the Truth my destination.
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