Wesley Dillingham wrote:
> John,
> Have you made the project page on git.sugarlabs.org 
> <http://git.sugarlabs.org>?

Aha. I thought I had done that, but it turns out that I'd merely 
uploaded my activity to activities.sugarlabs.org. So now, there's a new 
project "BlockHead". But when I click the BlockHead link on the Projects 
page, I get an error message: "We're sorry, but something went wrong."

> Once, the project page is established.
> Navigate in terminal to your project directory and type "git init"
> then navigate to  ./.git/config
 ... snip ...
> finally type: "git push origin master"

Thanks, Wesley, but your instructions take me over ground that I've 
already covered. I'm not a git expert, but I *do* have a repository on 
my home machine (Ubuntu 8.10), with a commit of this source tree:


Assuming that the "BlockHead" project recovers from its "something went 
wrong" error, what is the correct "push" command to execute? My guess:

   git push g...@git.sugarlabs.org:BlockHead/mainline.git master

(I'll define an "origin" alias later.)


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