Dear Ron,

As you said and as I mentioned earlier, I checked device monitor before and is
not a problem as process (block) alarms are getting printed (on LP03) and the
status of LP03 in DEV_MONITOR is showing OK.

The problem:

System monitor alarm messages, which are configured for this printer (LP03) are
not printed.

Text file from host AW or from any of the workstations in the same system (WPs)
is not getting printed on the same printer (LP03).

Other two printers (LP04, LP05) are working fine connectd to same COMM10.

Same LP03 is working in my off-line set-up (restored from the recent dump tapes
of host AW).

Best regards


"Deen, Ron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 08/29/2001 02:10:36 PM

Please respond to "Foxboro DCS Mail List"

To:   Foxboro DCS Mail List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:    (bcc: Harshad Viradia/JAMNAGAR/RIL)
Subject:  RE: Re[2]: Dot Matrix Printer

I think this was mentioned before but anyway...

If you can't print a file direct like: "myfile > /dev/LP03", you have
another problem.
If you can print "lp myfile -dLP03" but alarms do not go to that same
printer read on.

On one of your hosts go to the directory "/usr/fox/cs":

1 remove (if it exsists) the "cs_dm.current" file. (If it does NOT exsist,
don't remove it ;-))
2 run the command "dm_recon t". This will Take Device Monitor mastership to
this station.
3 run the command "dm_recon d" which will dump the current status of all
devices as found by devmon in a file "cs_dm.current"
   This can take a little while. Be patient!
In this file look for the printer that does not work. You will find it after
the word "STATUS" in that file.

The file could look something like this:
   Device: 1  "  LP01" TYPE: PRINTER  STATUS: FAIL PR  REMOTE  '  LP04'
   Device: 2  "  LP02" TYPE: PRINTER  STATUS: OK   PR  REMOTE  '  LP04'
   Device: 3  "  LP03" TYPE: PRINTER  STATUS: FAIL PR  REMOTE  '  LP04'
   Device: 4  "  TT01" TYPE: TERMINAL STATUS: OK   PR  NONE
   Device: 1    ----- NOT CONFIGURED ----
   Device: 2    ----- NOT CONFIGURED ----
If it reads FAIL but you are sure it should work, try to do a "dm_recon"
(without any parameters). This will force the Master Devmon (which is the
station you are working on because of the step 2 above) to analyse all
devices again.
After some time (minutes) try to do a "dm_recon d" again and have a look at
the "cs_dm.current" file again if your problem is solved.
I hope it is...


Ron Deen (Foxboro)

-----Original Message-----
From: Harshad Viradia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 5:14 AM
To: Foxboro DCS Mail List
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Dot Matrix Printer


We have used sysdef 2.1 for the expansion of our existing sysdef which was
developed earlier in 1.1, than revised in 2.0 as our sysdef being a very
contains more than 600 letterbugs it was not possible to start from scratch.

This was also analysed by Foxboro, experts from USA, and local office. We
also tested this in our off-line set-up before committal.

Further to add in a problem, this printer (LP03) is configured as a back up
printer to process alarm printer (LP04) and by failing LP04 process alarms
getting directed to LP03.

So the problem due to device monitor also is ruled out, We have also
QF for Device Monitor in all workstations.

What I believe is problem has to do some thing with the print service and
network port (tcp). Meaning some how print request from any of the
is not getting accepted on network. I have checked the "tcp" port activity
"lp" services on host AW & WPs and is showing ENABLED.

Best regards


"Daren Bishop" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 08/28/2001 09:30:43 PM

Please respond to "Foxboro DCS Mail List"

cc:    (bcc: Harshad Viradia/JAMNAGAR/RIL)
Subject:  Re[2]: Dot Matrix Printer


     Question: Did you use a newer or different version of SysDef to create
     the new commit??

     Answer: If so, it is always a good idea to rebuild the SysDef from
     scratch when using a new version of Sysdef. I know this is a major
     hassle, but I have had major "unexplainable" problems updating a
     SysDef configuration with a newer version of SysDef.

     Daren Bishop
     ASC. Inc.

______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: Re: Dot Matrix Printer
Author:  "Foxboro DCS Mail List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at
Date:    8/28/01 8:46 AM


You might get some help from HH832 and HH843 on the Device Monitor.  This
has ca
used us problems before.  Also there is good printer help on Angel Corbera's
Hope this helps.

Jim Kahlden

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/28/01 05:20AM >>>

Hi all,

I am facing strange problem in one of the three dot matrix printers
connected to
one COMM10.

Two printers are working normally meaning printing file, alarms etc.

One printer which is connected to first port is meant for system alarm
is not printing system alarms as well as text file. The printing of text
from any of the workstations in the system is not working and while trying
giving error message "failed to open the printer port (transport endpoint

I have tried all possible ways like delete and adding again, reinstallation
OS1CS, changing all the possible h/w and cables, but result is same.

This printer stopped working after recommittal of new sysdef.

We  restored the recent dump tapes to our off-line set-up for further
and found printer is working in off-line set-up (printing all system alarms,

Same disks we took to on-line system and  found that same printer is still

We have more than 30 dot matrix printers (all are replaced with Imac PCs)
are working fine.

Are there anything more to try other than helpful hint #694 ?

Best regards
Harshad Viradia

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