Unfortunately, Invensys is not the only one on the Microsoft bandwagon.
Honeywell, Emerson (Fisher), and the rest of the control system vendors are
all being led down the primrose path to Redmond.  This should scare us all,
given the blue screens of death that I have witnessed on Windows products.
Its one thing on my desktop where I'm doing spreadsheets and e-mail, but
quite another thing for mission critical process control.  Our Unix boxes
can run months or even years without a reboot (of course you have to figure
in software upgrades from Invensys that require a reboot) but I've never
seen a Microsoft operating system be able to claim that type of
reliability.  Well, maybe old MS-DOS at the C:\ prompt....

Stan Ruth

                    Corey R Clingo                                                     
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>              To:     Foxboro DCS Mail List 
                    Sent by:                             cc:                           
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        Subject:     RE: PLC Question 
                    09/17/2001 09:57 AM                                                
                    Please respond to "Foxboro                                         
                    DCS Mail List"                                                     

Is it just me, or is this ridiculous?  Does their documentation say "writes
don't work well", "this is a read-only device", "good write performance is
option # xxx-yyyyyyy, call your account manager for details", or something?
your product a beta version, and did you get a concomitant discount

This is about the third time I've heard or dealt with a Foxboro product
wasn't ready for prime time.  One of these flaws (CP40B) have taken over a
to fix.  Does Foxboro test anything before it goes out?  I've only been
with I/A for about 10 months, and I like a lot of what it has to offer, but
kind of thing makes me nervous, not only about my system, but about the
in general.  And now they want to migrate everything to a new
marketecture - one which has been in development for 3 years and is still,
apparently, vapor.  (Oh, Microsoft - there's another outfit with a stellar
reputation for quality control).

I will say this: if I were bidding a system on a grass-roots plant,
wouldn't even get a call.  It's no wonder they are entertaining buyout

Corey Clingo
Sr. Engineer
BASF Corporation

After some serious heart-to-heart w/ Foxboro tech personnel, they
admitted that the writes never worked properly for them either and
they had no fixes for it.

I do not know if the problem has been fixed since then.

Mike Adams

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