On Thu, 18 Oct 2007, Micha Nelissen wrote:

> Inoussa OUEDRAOGO wrote:
> > so the sample code becomes ( using Delphi's attribute syntax )
> > 
> > TxxxDatabase = class(...)
> > ...
> > [Engines(List='firebird,oracle,sybase-asa')]
> > property TransactionModel: TTransactionModel read FtransactionModel
> >                                             write SetTransactionModel;
> > ...
> > end;
> That doesn't look like language syntax to me, more like a comment?
> Isn't
> property TransactionModel: TTransactionModel read FtransactionModel
>   write SetTransactionModel attribute Engines: List =
>     'firebird,oracle,sybase-asa';
> much more logical ?

Indeed. Exactly my point.

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