On Friday 30 November 2007 09.59, Florian Klaempfl wrote:
> Martin Schreiber schrieb:
> >>> http://www.freepascal.org/mantis/view.php?id=6036
> >>
> >> It doesn't look like that is going to be fixed any time soon. It was
> >> reported in 2005-06-14 and still hasn't even been acknowledged!
> I've no clue how it is supposed to work :)
I forgot to mention that the Delphi 'implements' keyword and the interface 
method resolution clauses would be useful too.

> > :-)
> >
> > Reference counted widestrings is another theme:
> > http://www.freepascal.org/mantis/view.php?id=6060
> Mid-term solution will be some unicodestring type, however, it will blow
> the system unit again that's why I hesitate to implement it.
> > And I'd like to remember the 'friend units' where protected class members
> > are accessible in order to avoid the ugly and memory wasting fake class
> > definitions
> > "
> > implementation
> > type
> >  tsomeclass1 = class(tsomeclass)
> > end;
> > [....]
> >  with tsomeclass1(someclassinstance) do begin
> > end;
> > "
> This was a bug in 1.0.x-2.0.x violating all OOP rules, this is why it
> was fixed ;)
You probably misunderstood. 
I suggest to introduce a new 'uses' like clause where the units with 
accessible protected class members are listed.
Without it and without the "tsomeclass1 = class(tsomeclass)" definitions one 
ends up with a giant unit file with the whole base functionality of a system, 
or, even worse, with a bunch of include files.
In case of MSEgui it would be about 50'000 lines.

> > Packages support and
> This opens a can of worms nobody wants to maintain :)
> > faster compiling are on my wishlist too...
> I don't see a way to improve this, even more, my current machine does a
> make clean all in 1min20 so I even don't see a need to improve it :)

Delphi 7 is 10 times faster than FPC 2.2.
8 seconds instead of 1min20 is better, don't you think?

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