Op Fri, 18 Jan 2008, schreef Marc Weustink:

The FPC IDE has had it for years. All user interface support you need is the Options->Mode menu. For the rest the handling all internal; the IDE uses an array of options, one for each build mode, each with its own defaults.

Yeah... and we want something less static and more configurable, default options, release/debug/whatever build, target dependent etc.etc.etc.

It would be nice that you can set certain compiler options only on certain targets, but, that is not what people are asking for. Don't make it more complicated than it is. All users want is an easy to access "debug build/release build" switch. The FPC IDE's fixed number 3 profiles already provide more than that. You can code it in an afternoon, which could be well spent, even if you want to code a more complex system later on.

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