On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 03:16, Graeme Geldenhuys
> And some links for your reading pleasure...  ;-)
> http://www.remobjects.com/oxygene.aspx

A pleasure indeed ;-)
I did not know Oxigene/Prism syntax has evolved fo far ahead of Delphi/FPC.
While browsing their wiki, I found at least following items which are IMO worthy
to add to FPC:

1) http://prismwiki.codegear.com/en/With_(keyword)
  but without 'matching' clause.

2) http://prismwiki.codegear.com/en/Properties#Property_Access_Modifiers

Also, following, while being a mere syntactic sugar, are also 'good-to-have':

1) 'case' by string and type http://prismwiki.codegear.com/en/Case_(keyword)
Although I would spell it 'case obj.ClassType of', not 'class obj type
of' -- no need for new syntax here.

2) Local variables initialization during declaration -- but with constants only.


Alexander S. Klenin
Insight Experts Ltd.
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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