It simply needs no explicit support except what it has already. Mainly
the rtl and the user program has to take care of it and we did this
already in the rtl but the compiler required no fix in this regard so far.
I do see your point !

But my point is that with the introduction of Unicode, compiler support for handling of these things is introduced (and the RTL and the LCL). I think this should result in making user-code largely unnecessary and not in requiring those programmer, that did not need multi-byte support for serving the users they want to deploy their software to, to finally start to introduce multi-byte handling in their user-program code.

IMHO, if ever possible, a new version of a program should make life for the majority of the actual users easier and avoid making life more complicated for those that not willingly decide that they need the complexity.

fpc-devel maillist  -

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