Sorry Joost, but I posted 2(+1) more, much smaller ones though :)

The third I submitted contains the rest of the example CGI/Apache projects to demonstrate the use of FCL-web with templates.

I promise these are the last bugs I found while creating these example applications for fcl-web. All started by trying to reply to some people on the forum asking questions about using fpweb :)

I attached the README.txt for the whole set of examples if anyone is interested what is in there (don't panic, only about 50 something lines).


Joost van der Sluis wrote:
Op zaterdag 28-02-2009 om 22:06 uur [tijdzone -0800], schreef ABorka:
I posted the following patch as

(includes the changes posted in 13250 and 13228 too)

It takes soo long before the patches are applied because they are too
large. ;)

Now you create more patches which are even longer and then another one
which is again longer... That doesn't make it easier for us.

It takes hours to look at such patches.

So next time (not this time, we're already on it now) provide small
patches if you can and try not to include old patches into new ones.
Although I do admit that that's more work, that way we can apply faster
and that way it's easier for you to make new changes...


fpc-devel maillist  -

These examples are demonstrating some uses of templates (with FPTemplate) when 
generating HTML pages by CGI programs or Apache modules.

The main idea is to leave the web page designing and look&feel to the web page 
designers. Separating the web page design from the back end CGI/Apache 
application makes it possible to design, change or redesign a whole website 
without modifying a single line of code in the CGI/Apache application. 
Back end programmers and web page designers can work parallel easily and 
neither side needs extensive knowledge of the other (doesn't hurt, just not 
necessary most of the time). 

With all this said, none of the examples are focusing on nice look and feel in 
their template designs, merely on demonstrating the functionality and use of 
templates, template tags and template tag parameters with live applications.

Examples list:

1. /simpletemplate/*.*
The simplest template with one template tag in it to be replaced by the 
CGI/Apache application when generating the response page -> {TagName1}

2. /tagparam/*.*
Demonstrating the set up and use of the template tag parameter(s) 
-> {+DATETIME [-FORMAT=MM/DD hh:mm:ss-]+}

3. /listrecords/*.*
Demonstrates the use of a template tag with multiple template tag parameters 
to list multiple records, tables, lists, etc.

4. /fileupload/*.*
Demonstrates uploading file(s) to a web server with the help of a CGI program 
or Apache module by using so called "multipart" html forms.
See README.txt
5. /sessions/*.*
These examples demonstrate three different ways to maintain and use sessions 
when building web sites that need to carry over or store information to 
following web pages, differentiate between visitors, etc.

5.a. /sessions/cookiesessions-auto/*.*
See README.txt

5.b. /sessions/cookiesessions-login/*.*
See README.txt

5.c. /sessions/urlsessions-login/*.*
See README.txt

Note: All of the examples have both CGI and Apache subdirectories. The web 
modules (unit1.pas, unit1.lfm) for the paired CGI/Apache subdirectories are 
exactly the same showing that from a developer's standpoint there is not too 
much difference between writing CGI programs or Apache modules.
fpc-devel maillist  -

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