Paul Ishenin пишет:
Marc Weustink wrote:
I can see a use for using iterators in a for loop, however they should be declared with some keyword.

Something like

  TListIterator = iterator(TList, init_func, next_func, check_func)
    function init_func: Boolean;
    function next_func: <element type>
    function check_func: Boolean;

  for element in list using TListIterator do...

IMO this is more pascal than using some interface or predefined function names.
Good idea. What is iterator internally? Is this an object with the special header?

Is it internall the same as:
TListIterator = object
 function init_func(AList: TList): Boolean;
 function next_func: Pointer;
 function check_func: Boolean;

Don't comlicate it more than necessary:

1) An object (or record with methods, provided you implement it first :-) is preferable over class, since using it can help avoiding construction/destruction, memory allocations, and implicit try..finally. 2) Using objects/records also enables you to use operators to encode the iterator. This isn't possible for classes.
3) next_func and check_func above can be coalesced to a single
  function next(out obj: TItem): Boolean;
4) The syntax 'for element in list using TListIterator' is kind of redundant. I'd suggest:
  for element in list.GetForwardIterator do ..., or even
  for element in list.GetSubItems(arguments) do ...

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