Hello all!

It seems like I have hit a very hot spot with my proposal - they must be 
something worth...
Let me recapitulate and once more comment on this.

My proposal is to replace the operators "op=" by one operator "op" and a 
following ":=".
This can be further enhanced to work together with my other proposal "Multiple 


a + := 1;
a + := pi; // float
a + := 'bla'; // string
a + := [1,2]; // set
a < := b; // booleans, this is ugly but should be OK (but not with C-style 
operators), see PS
a div := 3;
a or := b;
a xor := 3;
a shl := 1;
f()^ + := 1; // f might have side-effects!
a[i+j] * := 2; // @a[i+j] only evaluated once

a,b + := c+d; // c+d only evaluated once
a,b shl := 1;
a^.b[f(i)], c^.d[g(j)] +:= h(k); // f,g,h might have side-effects, stuff 
evaluated only once

I object to the existing operators += -= /= *= because:
* the assignment nature is absent (i.e. the ":=" is missing), worse, "=" is the 
comparison operator
* every operator of this list introduces a new operator, i.e. all of them are 
real distict operators
* the list is incomplete: several operators are missing
* this syntax it is not really extensible: "mod=" and the like are not 
expressable as one symbol

Borland's alternative inc/dec/include/exclude is no better since they introduce 
a flood of names and hide the operator nature.

There are some reasons for my solution:
* You still see that there is an assignment
* No new operators: just combinations of an existing a binary operator and ":="
* Extendability: Any suitable (existing) binary operator can be used, even 
worded ones, self-defined (overloaded) and properties

The main reason for the proposal is not saving keystrokes but functionality and 
speed. It is meant to be an optimizing aid to the compiler being able to omit 
the common expression optimizer in this case without loss and to avoid 
side-effects. All parts of the statement should be evaluated once. Saving 
keystrokes and avoiding to write things twice are welcome side-effects.
This has also been the reason for including these: inc dec include exclude += 
-= *= /=
I have often missed e.g. "* :=" and "shl :=".

Semantic of "a op := expr":
p:=...@a; // only once!
p^:=p^ op expr;

Semantic of "obj.prop op := expr":
p:=...@obj; // address of object, only once!
p^.prop:=p^.prop op expr; // access property

Semantic of "a,b := expr":
tmp:=expr; // only once!

Semantic of "a,b op := expr":
tmp:=expr; // only once!
p:=...@a; // only once!
p^:=p^ op tmp;
p:=...@b; // only once!
p^:=p^ op tmp;

BTW: "a[random(2)] + := 1" is not equivalent to "a[random(2)] := a[random(2)] + 
1" due to the side-effect of random()!

Best regards
PS: Using comparison operators on booleans (e.g. "if a=true then ...") should 
produce at least a hint due to bad style!
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