When I already have start this thread, I would like also point to this bugs (their are both more or less about the same):

Now I can not primary talk about NULL paramters, but about ukInsert case (in Procedure TCustomSQLQuery.ApplyRecUpdate). There is serious bug in fact, that FInsertQuery is assigned only once (using function InsertRecQuery), when FIRST insert is applied.
And InsertRecQuery construct SQL insert but only for NOT NULL values.

1. we have table1 with some 3 columns: col1, col2, col3
2. I Append record and set only 1st column, then Post
3. I ApplyUpdates ... insert is constructed "INSERT INTO table1 (col1) VALUES(:col1)"
4. I Append second record and fill all 3 columns, then Post
5. I ApplyUpdates ... but no new insert is constructed (because FInsertQry is already assigned), but is used existing from step 3
6. So columns col2 and col3 are never inserted to database

Do you see ?

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