Answering my own question ;)

I guess the answer to my question is more or less the same as the following question:

"How to add a new target to free pascal compiler".

And I found this webpage which explains it a bit:

I'll quote webpage here in case it ever goes lost ;)

Bellow is a example of how a new target is added. This Patch was responsible for adding SymbianOS target to the compiler. Be careful that this adds a i386-symbian target. If your target is for another architecture of course you should change the files on the directories for your particular architecture.

Index: compiler/compiler.pas
--- compiler/compiler.pas (revision 6039)
+++ compiler/compiler.pas (working copy)
@@ -107,6 +107,9 @@
{$ifdef win32}
{$endif win32}
+{$ifdef symbian}
+  ,i_symbian
+{$endif symbian}

function Compile(const cmd:string):longint;
Index: compiler/i386/cputarg.pas
--- compiler/i386/cputarg.pas (revision 6039)
+++ compiler/i386/cputarg.pas (working copy)
@@ -71,6 +71,9 @@
    {$ifndef NOTARGETWATCOM}
+    {$ifndef NOTARGETSYMBIAN}
+      ,t_symbian
+    {$endif}

Index: compiler/systems.pas
--- compiler/systems.pas (revision 6039)
+++ compiler/systems.pas (working copy)
@@ -136,7 +136,9 @@
             system_x86_64_embedded,    { 55 }
             system_mips_embedded,      { 56 }
             system_arm_embedded,       { 57 }
-             system_powerpc64_embedded  { 58 }
+             system_powerpc64_embedded, { 58 }
+             system_i386_symbian,       { 59 }
+             system_arm_symbian         { 60 }

       tasm = (as_none
Index: rtl/Makefile.fpc
--- rtl/Makefile.fpc (revision 6038)
+++ rtl/Makefile.fpc (working copy)
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@

Index: utils/fpcm/fpcmake.ini
--- utils/fpcm/fpcmake.ini (revision 6038)
+++ utils/fpcm/fpcmake.ini (working copy)
@@ -908,6 +908,12 @@

+# Symbian OS
+ifeq ($(OS_TARGET),symbian)
# long version for 1.0.x - target specific extensions

Index: utils/fpcm/fpcmmain.pp
--- utils/fpcm/fpcmmain.pp (revision 6038)
+++ utils/fpcm/fpcmmain.pp (working copy)
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
        o_amiga,o_atari, o_solaris, o_qnx, o_netware, o_openbsd,o_wdosx,
-        o_win64,o_wince,o_gba,o_nds,o_embedded
+        o_win64,o_wince,o_gba,o_nds,o_embedded,o_symbian

      TTargetSet=array[tcpu,tos] of boolean;
@@ -88,14 +88,14 @@
        'amiga','atari','solaris', 'qnx', 'netware','openbsd','wdosx',
-        'win64','wince','gba','nds','embedded'
+        'win64','wince','gba','nds','embedded','symbian'

      OSSuffix : array[TOS] of string=(
'_amiga','_atari','_solaris', '_qnx', '_netware','_openbsd','_wdosx',
-        '_win64','_wince','_gba','_nds','_embedded'
+        '_win64','_wince','_gba','_nds','_embedded','_symbian'

      { This table is kept OS,Cpu because it is easier to maintain (PFV) }
@@ -126,7 +126,8 @@
        { wince    }( true,  false, false, false, false, true,  false),
        { gba    }  ( false, false, false, false, false, true,  false),
        { nds    }  ( false, false, false, false, false, true,  false),
-        { embedded }( true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true)
+        { embedded }( true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true),
+        { symbian } ( true,  false, false, false, false, true,  false)

You will also need to add a i_target.pas and t_target.pas files to the compiler directory. Just copy an existing file for a similar platform and start working from there.

If you want your target to use an internal linker (ELF, COFF, etc.) you need to add your target to that one, too. For the target i386-nativent the following change was done in the COFF output generator:

Index: compiler/ogcoff.pas
--- compiler/ogcoff.pas (Revision 14564)
+++ compiler/ogcoff.pas (Revision 14565)
@@ -2906,7 +2918,7 @@
            idtxt  : 'PECOFF';
            asmbin : '';
            asmcmd : '';
-            supported_targets : [system_i386_win32];
+            supported_targets : [system_i386_win32,system_i386_nativent];
            flags : [af_outputbinary,af_smartlink_sections];
            labelprefix : '.L';
            comment : '';
You might also need to add your target to one of the assemblers for the target platform. E. g. if you're targeting an i386 system you might add your target like the following (the line breaks annotated with {cr} were added to keep the layout of the article intact):

Index: compiler/x86/agx86att.pas
--- compiler/x86/agx86att.pas (Revision 15151)
+++ compiler/x86/agx86att.pas (Arbeitskopie)
@@ -380,7 +380,8 @@
            asmcmd : '--32 -o $OBJ $ASM';
supported_targets : [system_i386_GO32V2,system_i386_linux,system_i386_Win32,{cr}
- system_i386_netwlibc,system_i386_wince,system_i386_embedded,{cr}
+ system_i386_netwlibc,system_i386_wince,system_i386_embedded,{cr}
+                                system_i386_nativent];
flags : [af_allowdirect,af_needar,af_smartlink_sections,af_supports_dwarf];
            labelprefix : '.L';
            comment : '# ';
Note: In this case the change is only needed to get the "-al" option of the compiler, which needs the GNU assembler on Windows, working for i386-nativent.

[edit] Compiling your target
Now that you have a target you will want to see if it works and spot compilation problems by compiling the compiler. To do this, open a console, navigate to your fpc subversion source code directory and build the compiler:

cd compiler
make arm
And to build your RTL:

cd rtl\my_new_os
make FPC=c:\fpc_subversion\compiler\ppcarm -XP$FPCTARGET-
While trying to fix (or implement) RTL for your new target, information found in System unit structure may be useful.

[edit] Porting to a new Architecture
[edit] Step 1 - The Binutils
The first step in porting to a new architecture is getting and understanding how the binutils of the platform work.

[edit] Step 2 - Code Skeleton
You can start porting Free Pascal to a new Architecture by creating a new Lazarus project and a new skeleton for it. You can get the Lazarus project for ARM for example, rename it, lets say to ppcmipsel.lpi, modify it in a text editor to refer to mips directory instead of arm and then modify it in Lazarus in the Compiler Options Dialog in the Others tab and set the compiler directive to -dmipsel instead of -darm.

This is probably enough information for me for now to go on ;)

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