I have just written up some very compelling arguments and then decided to scrap it.

I maintain that const strings, dynamic arrays, and interfaces, as currently implemented, are dangerous and should be considered useless in all but the most limited circumstances. The behavior is dependent upon implementation details that can change with compiler version, platform, optimizations enabled, etc. Unrelated changes in the code can also trigger bugs. Examples can be given which are extremely simple, and others which are extremely complex, showing how hard it can be to ever really trust the use of const.

The problem comes down to the specs though, or rather the lack thereof. As I have searched the web and read some docs at Embarcadero, things have only become more ambiguous. It seems that everyone repeats the same basic explanations but never fleshes out the subtleties. In my opinion, if you compared C, Java, and C++ (to a slightly lesser extent) to a mathematical proof, then Object Pascal in today's form would be more like a pile of notes and some lunchtime conversations.

Basically, I think the current behavior is bad, but whether it is a bug depends on the specs, which are lacking, and therefore I am no longer certain it is a bug. With what I have read, I no longer feel that a provable argument either way is possible.

I'm more interested now in a solution. The solutions I've seen so far have potential, but in my opinion most of them seem like they are more complex, would be more overhead, and produce worse performance than just getting rid of the const "optimization".

That being said, I can't complain because I don't have anything better to offer. My knowledge of FPC internals is just not enough (it is very, very little, actually).

However, looking at the generated assembly, I can't believe there isn't a more efficient way to handle the implicit try-finally. It feels to me like that is where the problem is. There is a lot of code and several function calls that go into implementing that implicit 'finally' block. There's got to be some way to decrement the refcount even when there are exceptions but without so much overhead. It would require changes to the exception handling mechanism though. Here my knowledge runs out.

For now, I will just agree that I believe the most practical thing to do is: As has already been said, have it be an optional optimization, off by default.

Secondly, I'm considering using var everywhere. It's ugly--very. But the performance of copying strings is not acceptable, and the danger of using const is not acceptable, except in limited well-controlled circumstances--but even then it's dependent on some unstated assumptions about the compiler implementation.

BTW, has anyone looked at my demo sufficiently that they can explain exactly what is happening? I do know what it's doing, but I think you can only really appreciate why this is dangerous if you see how subtle it can be. We can code very carefully, but in a large project, especially over time, with many people modifying it, I don't see how you can possibly believe using const is safe. It can sneak in so easily in unrelated parts of the code. That is probably what is scariest to me, and why I don't consider it safe no matter how careful you are. Personally, I feel that in the current implementation, it would be better for const to not even exist. I am uncertain of what I will do in my own Pascal coding.
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