Chad Berchek schrieb:

All the problems we've seen with const used in various contexts with different data types--AnsiString, ShortString, records, etc.--are the result of one fundamental problem, which is the language design. Const is not clearly defined. All problems mentioned stem from this.

IMO you should remove the C specs from your brain first, before you start using Pascal. Pascal "const" parameters are optimization hints in the first place, the write protection of parameters is a less important item instead.

Also C++ references are somewhat different from Pascal references, while both can make your code crash when the referenced object is modified or destroyed during subroutine execution - regardless of const or not.

Pascal ShortString and AnsiString have no counterpart in the C world. If you don't understand how to use these language features, then use PChar instead, to get back your C feeling with strings.

If you are incapable of learning how to write proper code, that allows for "const" optimization, you better keep your hands off it.

If we *knew* that const meant it would be by reference, then that immediately eliminates the confusion in the case of ShortString and records; modifying one instance through several references affects them all, as expected. What the programmer says happens; there can be no "bug", except in the programmer's own knowledge.

When you know that "const" parameters typically are passed by reference, what else do you have to know, that's different from C/C++ behaviour?


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