Am 12.08.2011 10:52, schrieb Dariusz Mazur:

Even if KSD or now FireMonkey supports ARM Linux this does not mean
anything for Android. While Android does support native Linux
applications it does not have a X server. Currently the only possibility
for this is to run a X server through a VNC viewer and thus you can not
reproduce the usual feel of an Android application.

I prefer other approach. My application have webapp with embedded http
server, crosscompiled to ARM as Android library
Whole GUI act in webview
( )
Only small Jni is needed to loadlibrary

For me browser has more capabilities than native widgets. With full css3
support i can use gradient background, rounded corners etc.
HTML5 today is most powerful attempt to GUI : fast,full-featured,
multiplaftorm, OS agnostic,

And more important for me: the same code I can use on several OS:
Android, WebOs, Linux, Windows, .. iOs ( I hope that FPC will be able to
crosscompile to iOs soon), server can be embedded or standalone

This might not be possible from non Apple targets, because of Apple's licence restrictions (the OS X users might be able to tell more regarding this). If you have a OS X and the iPhone SDK this is already possible...


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