On 25.12.2012 19:30, Dimitri Smits wrote:

----- Oorspronkelijk e-mail -----
Van: "Florian Klaempfl" <flor...@freepascal.org>
Aan: "FPC developers' list" <fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org>
Verzonden: Dinsdag 25 december 2012 14:15:24
Onderwerp: Re: [fpc-devel] Forwarded message about FPC status

I see no way to speed up the 2.x FPC significantly only by stripping
something down or whatever. The whole 2.x design is geared towards
portability and maintainability, speed is only 2nd level goal (and
honest, self compilation in ~10 sec even on my >5 year old Core 2 Duo
not that bad ;)).

I'm guessing that is NOT on a Windows platform? Every full build (it has been a 
while) I've ever done of the compiler on windows was at least a few minutes.

That's likely because of the slower process startup time of Windows. Also the GNU utilities we use (make, etc.) aren't the fastest on Windows either. Also command line output can slow down things dramatically (cmd.exe or the PowerShell aren't that fast).

what I *think* is a large hog on compilation/linking is the spawning of 
multiple executables in the different steps as opposed to the monolithic 
exe(+dll) that dcc32.exe is.

If you use the internal assembler and linker on Windows you get the same.

The only approach I see to speed it up is to kick the whole back end
generate directly some close to i386 intermediate code directly in

lovely, but isn't that what Embarcadero is doing for their future compiler? Using the 
llvm toolchain, they will provide a front compiler to an intermediate 
"language" or interpreted code. Then they have a few optimisations for the 
middle layer and use the back-ends that are already available to make stuff 
architecturally compile to whatever back-end (ARM v?, intel x86, powerpc, motorola 68k, 
jvm, dalvik, .net il, compiled php, ... or any community or custom backend)

But it is very likely that they won't gain a speed advantage by that. They need to decouple their frontend from their backend and here it is very likely that they get a performance penalty if they need to go through some indirections or callbacks to get the necessary information from frontend to backend (or they need to stuff all information potentially needed by the backend into the backend). Basically the same that FPC does...

Also LLVM does not support that many backends. Currently the most important ones are x86(_64), ARM and PowerPC. What LLVM definitely does not support is m68k...

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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