Mark Morgan Lloyd schrieb:

I've got machines which are older than that, but they've almost all got multiple processors. I can't remember the exact timing, but a Sun machine with 16x 80MHz chips would build the Linux kernel in a minute or so, so parallelisation at the make -j level can be a big win.

C is very different from Pascal, WRT parallel compilation. C/C++ use independent header files, so that *all* modules can be compiled in parallel. OPL instead must compile all used units, before compilation of a module can proceed. This will at least result in a long startup phase, where the basic units are compiled almost sequentially, before parallel compilation may begin.

Both languages use similar means for speeding up compilation. C compilers use precompiled headers, while Pascal compilers use the DCU/PPU files to reduce parsing efforts. This will give C an big kick, because preprocessing and parsing the source code is a lot of work. I'm not sure about the impact on Pascal, though.


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