On Thu, 23 Jul 2015, Edmund Grimley Evans wrote:

Just a couple of reactions:

Declare before use has at least one technical advantage: it allows to
make much faster compliers. Declare before use allows to compile in
one pass, while compilers for languages like C need at least 2 passes.

Not really. TCC does a single pass with no intermediate
representation. It leaves a gap in the procedure prologue for the code
that moves the stack pointer and fills it in when it gets to the end
of the function and knows how much space is required for the local
variables and temporaries.

There have been NO fundamental changes in IT in the last 20 years
(probably longer).

One could argue that multi-core and concern about security are fairly
fundamental changes.

No. It is just more of the same.

I think that, currently, Quantum computing has the potential of introducing a 
real change.
The advent of SSD may have some effect in that in theory you don't need file 
operations any more, since everyting is in essence RAM.

But that's it.

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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