On 19/7/2016 10:54 πμ, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Mon, 18 Jul 2016, Stéphane Wierzbicki wrote:


I have modified TJSONStreamer and TJSONDeStreamer class to handle ISO8601
dates by adding a new jsoDateTimeAsISO8601 option.
Where can I send these modifications ?

What version of FPC did you use ?

The latest version of TJSONStreamer and TJSONDeStreameruse this format
already, check the jsoLegacyDateTime option.

With fixes_3.0 branch rev. 34112 ( also in today's trunk ), the json testsuite reports two failures :

Number of run tests: 322
Number of errors:    0
Number of failures:  2

List of failures:
Message: TTestJSONStreamer.TestWriteFloat4: "Correct value" expected: <4,56> but was: <5>
    Exception class:   EAssertionFailedError
    Exception message: "Correct value" expected: <4,56> but was: <5>
at $00434358 TTESTJSONSTREAMER__ASSERTPROP, line 761 of testjsonrtti.pp
Message: TTestJSONDeStreamer.TestFloat4: "Correct extended value" expected: <5,67> but was: <6>
    Exception class:   EAssertionFailedError
Exception message: "Correct extended value" expected: <5,67> but was: <6> at $0043241F TTESTJSONDESTREAMER__TESTFLOAT4, line 374 of testjsonrtti.pp


Dimitrios Chr. Ioannidis
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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