On Sat, 20 Oct 2018, Simon Kissel wrote:

- Make Exception handling, TLS etc use the infrastructure that
 libpthread is providing

TLS is handled already by libpthread. I doubt you will gain much there.

However, Exception handling is a problem. There are 2 possible ways ahead:
- DWARF exception handling as mentioned by Sven.
- Port SEH to be cross platform, this is the approach as taken by Kylix.
Kilyx has a small rtlunwind  library that mimics the needed run-time 
offered by Windows.

Conceivably, it can be duplicated. wine probably has such a library which
can be used as an inspiration.

The needed compiler infrastructure for SEH  already exists, so this is most 
the fastest way to proceed.

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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