Op 2010-10-22 12:47, Hans-Peter Diettrich het geskryf:
> Regardless of the reasons, a separate git repository would allow for any 
> number of additional contributions. My problem still is how to set up 
> such a repository, for public use, and how to sync it with the SVN 
> trunk. Can your fpc/Lazarus git repository be used for that purpose, or 
> can another repository refer to and stay in sync with it?

I don't actually know how collaboration (write permissions for others) work
with GitHub, that is why I suggested SourceForge. Just keep in mind, Git is
a distributed VCS, you can pull and push from/to anywhere. The repository
in GitHub is just a "public view" of one repository, mimicking the "single
server repository" model of SubVersion, CVS etc. Yes you can clone the
GitHub mirror as a starting point, then publish your branches to wherever
you want.

At the moment the github mirrors of FPC and Lazarus are a one-way street. I
setup our server to only push Trunk commits from SubVersion to Git. None of
my personal branches end up on GitHub's mirrors.

Public collaboration can easily be accomplished via Pull Requests (the
contributor notifying you of the server and branch you can pull from), or
posting patches via email (newsgroups or mailing lists). Git has excellent
email+patch support (official method used by git.git project itself), and
can extract and apply patches directly from emails without hassle.

If you do the latter, it would be wise to get organized early on. This is
what Junio (from git.git project) does so well. Each contributor gets his
own branch (usually by using initials) in Junio's local repository. Those
contributor branches will exist until the features is dead (not going to be
accepted), or until it made in into 'master' (what will become the next
release). Keeping them in branches makes the job really easy for git. You
can quickly query another branch to see what commits haven't been
applied/merged yet, apply additional commits (improvements to the original
patch) etc...

I highly recommend you email Junio in person, or post to the git mailing
list for some guidance. Junio does an excellent job, and taking into
account that he is one man running most of the git repository tasks,
cutting releases etc. Very impressive for such a busy project.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

fpc-other maillist  -  fpc-other@lists.freepascal.org

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