Op 2010-10-22 09:12, Florian Klaempfl het geskryf:
> Don't worry, we know this for years.
> - "If the FPC team doesn't do what I want I use software XY"
> - FPC team: "Fine, do so"
> - "Then I fork FPC"
> - FPC team: "Fine, do so"
> - *silence*

Then I must be the exception to the rule. I didn't like LCL, so I started
fpGUI. I didn't like fpcunit, I forked DUnit (to circumvent issues in
fpcunit, but did take some fpcunit ideas with me) and started my own
testing framework. I'm starting to dislike Lazarus IDE (every release is
more buggy that before), I already started work on my own IDE.

I strongly believe in the saying: "put your money where you mouth is", and
I'm not afraid in doing so either. I write software to solve problems, not
make problems.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

fpc-other maillist  -  fpc-other@lists.freepascal.org

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