On 2016-11-22 15:57, Jürgen Hestermann wrote:
> I just tried elastic tab stops with JEdit a bit but they are too restrictive 
> for me:
> 1.) They do not allow me to start a new table without having an empty line 
> between.
>      The following indentation seems to be impossible with elastic tabstops 
> (at least I did not found out how to do this):
>      aaaa bbbb cccc
>      dddd eeee ffff
>      gggg hhhh iiii
>      11 22 33
>      44 55 66
>      77 88 99

I'm not sure I understand what exactly you are trying to accomplish. Do
you mean column data (think TAB delimiter data files like what Excel
exports)? See attached screenshot. Simply insert a TAB character between
every column of text.

> 2.) When spaces are used instead of tabs (like in Lazarus IDE) then

If you are going to use ET for your programming, you would convert all
your source code to TAB indented files. Some text editors (VIM, jEdit
etc) allow you to place a comment line within the first 5 or so lines of
text (they have a special name for it, but I can't remember it now).
Those are special editor instructions like defining TAB width, coding
style etc. If Lazarus IDE ever supported ET, that would be a useful
feature to add too. So Lazarus IDE could automatically use ET for your
code, but standard 2-space indentation for Lazarus LCL code.

I had a quick look in jEdit help under "Buffer-Local Properties".
>From the documentation:

When jEdit loads a file, it checks the first and last 10 lines for
colon-enclosed name/value pairs. For example, placing the following in a
buffer changes the indent width to 4 characters, enables soft tabs, and
activates the Perl edit mode:



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