Am 2016-11-22 um 17:26 schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:
> On 2016-11-22 15:57, Jürgen Hestermann wrote:
>> I just tried elastic tab stops with JEdit a bit but they are too restrictive 
for me:
>> 1.) They do not allow me to start a new table without having an empty line 
>>      The following indentation seems to be impossible with elastic tabstops 
(at least I did not found out how to do this):
>>      aaaa bbbb cccc
>>      dddd eeee ffff
>>      gggg hhhh iiii
>>      11 22 33
>>      44 55 66
>>      77 88 99
> I'm not sure I understand what exactly you are trying to accomplish. Do
> you mean column data (think TAB delimiter data files like what Excel
> exports)? See attached screenshot. Simply insert a TAB character between
> every column of text.

I just want it in the way I have shown in my email (via spaces).
The first 3 lines and the last 3 lines should *not* share the same tab 
Only each block of 3 lines should do so.
In your screenshot "11 22 33" is aligned with 'ggg hhhh iiii' which I do not 
There should be 2 blocks each with their own columns.

fpc-other maillist  -

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