ik writes:

You can create a daemon is several ways, but here are two of them:
1. Create non blocking sockets for the server, and on every new
communication open a new thread that will use that connection.

Thread or fork?

2. Create a non blocking sockets for the server, and on every new
communication open a new process that will handle that connection.

Do you know of any place, or sample code, that I can see how non blocking sockets work?
I suggest that you open things by need, rather then by demand, because
you never know how much connections you'll need

I may do this during trial to get some numbers, but I am concerned that only having one instance and forking on demand will cause delays.

need one, and you will have 10, then it's "too much" for what you

I was thinking more along the lines of 2 to 5.
I am working on a postfix mail filter.
We process on our MX machines about 150K per machine (there are two of them).

That comes out to about 2 connections per second. However the distribution is not even. Most of the mail comes within 10 hours.

That turns out about 5 emails per second.
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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