Any tutorials out there on using Event Driven programming with Free Pascal?

I'm hoping to create a server/client combo that will need to respond to both input from the client part, and input from the server part

          my server/client combo app
User ---> | server part-->client part| --> another server

So, when my user talks to my server, I need to be able to respond, and when the other server talks to my client, I need to be able to respond.

Anyway, just a simple event driven programming tutorial using some version of Pascal will probably help.


Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
On Sat, 9 Jun 2007, Francisco Reyes wrote:

Leonardo M. Ramé writes:

After reading the tutorial suggested by Daniel, you sould go to and follow a link
to "object pascal
language guide" to learn Object Pascal.
Looking at I see there are
different syntax for objects.

Which one does FreePascal uses?

They list:
Apple's Object Pascal
Turbo Pascal's Object Pascal
Delphi's Object Pascal

Both Turbo Pascal's Object Pascal and Delphi's object pascal are supported, depending on which mode you compile in.


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