En/na Rick Seiden ha escrit:
It's what I like to call a pass through server. My ISP won't let me send email unless I'm on their network (at home). So, I have a server I wrote in VB that listens for a connection on a non standard port. When connected, it connects to my ISP's SMTP server. Anything it gets from the email client, it passes to the server. Anything it gets from the server it passes to the email client. Works like a charm. Only problem is that it's in Windows. I'm working towards getting rid of that windows box and replacing it with linux. So, I need to re-write this app in Linux. It's really the event part of it that I'm concerned with.

You don't need to rewrite the app (unless you want to do it as a learning exercise). sshd can tunnel connections this way right out of the box, or if you want to do it the exact way you're doing now, you can, e.g. configure xinetd to forwar one port to your server to another port to another server (but that's extremely dangerous)

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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