Easy way to check:
svn up -r 9290 $(FPCDIR)/packages/paszlib/src/zstream.pp
Next 'svn up' updates zstream.pp back to HEAD revision.

Here's what I got...

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/svn/fpc-2.2.1$ svn update -r9290 
D    packages/paszlib/src/zstream.pp
Updated to revision 9290.

So, instead of getting rev 9290, it deletes the file. :(

To make the change more permanent (locally, of course):
svn merge -rHEAD:9290 $(FPCDIR)/packages/paszlib/src/zstream.pp

Here's what I got...

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/svn/fpc-2.2.1$ svn merge -rHEAD:9290 packages/paszlib/src/zstream.pp svn: The location for 'packages/paszlib/src/zstream.pp' for revision 9290 does not exist in the repository or refers to an unrelated object

So, both attempt failed. :(

Install rapidSVN produced exactly same result.

To all: Sorry if this thread goes a little bit out of topic. I'm new to svn system. :)


has Bee.ography at:
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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