Bee schrieb:
Find the last working revision using a binary search. Start e.g. with rev. 11000: if works, try 11322 etc. With this scheme a handfull tests give you the last working revision and we know which revision broke things and needs to be fixed :) A small script could even automate this.

Alright then. Because this is just an experimental project, I'll do it in my spare time. Hopefully I would have the result by the end of this week.

That's a matter of a few minutes ;)

Using the script at <> it took 12 min without any interaction to find a breaking revision for some x86-64 problem. I used this script before to find a problem and improved it slightly:

End of output:

Testing revision 11377 failed
Last working revision: 11376 (needed 9 runs)

real    12m19.018s
user    6m18.684s
sys     0m47.935s
fpc-pascal maillist  -

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