Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
On 29 April 2010 14:51, Florian Klaempfl <> wrote:
Having a bigger lookahead makes a lot more things far more complex
epecially in combination with include files, macros, generics.

Why?  You only apply the extra lookaheads where needed (code that
could be ambiguous). All other parts of the code will be parsed as
normal - as it is done now.

So far I know of only two examples where extra lookaheads need to be used.
  * wiki example where 'default' is used
  * my example to fix the inconsistent syntax for hint directives (deprecated).

Let's be honest here - maybe you should submit a patch? It might get accepted if it passes testing. If you're not willing or able to do so, it doesn't sound like the key FPC developers are going to do the changes for you ;-) It's a really, really small and insignificant syntax annonoly. There are far worse ones in Pascal - I point you towards "repeat... until" in The TP/Delphi/Borland style Pascal dialects.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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