I would like to ask you some questions about how I can migrate,
ultimately, of Delphi to FPC.
These questions will help me and my friends that working with Delphi.

1- What the connector you use to Postgre and SQLServer, Zeoslib?
2- What the Report designer is more like with ReportBuilder?
3- Do exists something I can do with Delphi but not do with FPC?
Especialy on Windows.
4- The Lazarus IDE is the most used, but MSEide is relevant too? Why?
5- Do you use Object Persistence Framework (OPF)? If yes, which is?
    5.1- What is the best OPF most used? Would be tiOPF?
6- What FPC/Lazarus provides to DataSets in memory like TClientDataSet
in Delphi?
    6.1- And about multi-tier applications, what they provides?
7- Is there any other factors we should consider before making this
migration, which was not written above?

Thank you.

Best regards,
Marcos Douglas
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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