In our previous episode, Jonas Maebe said:
> None of these exist in Pascal. You can get exceptions for range check errors 
> (ERangeError) in case you enable range checking and include the sysutils unit 
> in your uses clause, but in that case range checking will be performed for 
> all assignments, not just for passed arguments (and the range is checked by 
> the compiler at the caller side based on the declared parameter types, not at 
> the callee side). There are only a few routines in the RTL that explicitly 
> raise it after explicitly checking their arguments.
> There are no generic equivalents to ArgumentException and
> ArgumentNullException (when asking such questions in the future, you may
> also want to include a reference to a web page that describes what they
> mean, it makes it easier for people to answer you).

C# has nullable types, and my guess would be that the ArgumentNullexception
happens you assign/pass a nullable value with NULL to a non-nullable

So it could be that it corresponds to some EVariantisnull error, but that is
a bit of a stretch.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

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