On Wed, 27 Jul 2011, Jim wrote:

Hi FreePascal and Firebird people,
(Cross-posted to the FPC and Firebird Development mailing lists)


3.4 FreePascal will need to use the Firebird memory manager. Using
various memory managers is fortunately already possible in FPC.

3.5 Most importantlY: it will probably require a lot of work on both
ends to get this done. Fortunately, both Firebird and FPC have an active
developer community with good communication and bug tracker systems, so
this helps.

Your thoughts?

As a long-time firebird/interbase user, I would welcome this possibility.

If the firebird developers are interested, I'm definitely willing to communicate with them and see what we can do to make this happen.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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