On 27-7-2011 9:10, Jim wrote:
> Hi FreePascal and Firebird people,
> (Cross-posted to the FPC and Firebird Development mailing lists)
> 1. Background
> =============
> For the upcoming Firebird 3.0 database server release, developers are
> working on allowing external languages (at first Java) for writing
> stored procedures and functions.
> I found this, rather old, reference:
> http://web.firebirdsql.org/index.php?op=devel&sub=plugins&id=external_java
> FreePascal (FPC) is an object oriented variant of Pascal that looks very
> much like Delphi (in fact, there's a Delphi compatibility switch so you
> can port your existing code).
> Would it be possible and desirable to have FreePascal as an embedded
> stored procedure/trigger language in some future release of Firebird? (I
> can't recall this having been brought up before, so I just start the
> ball rolling).

Thanks for the discussion on both lists; I've created some feature
requests to keep track of things:

Firebird issue/feature request:
FreePascal issue/feature request:

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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