Am 02.03.2012 13:23, schrieb Marcos Douglas:
On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 5:49 PM, Sven Barth<>  wrote:
On 01.03.2012 21:42, Marcos Douglas wrote:

On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 5:14 PM, Sven Barth<>

On 01.03.2012 16:34, Marcos Douglas wrote:

On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 4:29 AM, leledumbo<>

That's different case IMHO (In My Humble Observation), I guess it's
like this:

{$mode objfpc}
  TTestClass = class
    FTile: Integer;
    property Tile: Integer read FTile write FTile;
    procedure Test;

procedure TTestClass.Test;
  Tile: Integer;


In this case, the local variable has the same name as one of the class
properties. This does trigger the "duplicate identifier" error because
have the same scope.

Well, for me the local Tile variable should have "preference" because
the scope is local, not "global for class".
Would be equal the use of arguments, IMHO, where we can use an
identifier that already exists in the class.

In mode Delphi this is true, but in non-Delphi modes it was decided that
above code is not allowed at all to avoid any disambiguities that might


So, I have to invent a prefix or suffix in all local variables to
avoid problems if I add a property with same name in the future,
   lTile: Integer
   Tile1: Integer
   vTile: Integer

...well, I already do that, but I don't think this is correct.

The compiler will generate an error if you do add a property with the same
name, so you can change the name of the variable in the method on demand.

But if I have many methods with a identifier like Value, I will have
to modify all methods and put something like lValue, Value1, etc.

If the methods belong to a class where you introdouced a "Value" field or property, yes, you'll either need to change the variable/parameter of the method or choose a different name for the field/property.

Also note that this feature is not a recent one. This is part of FPC AFAIK
at least since 2.2.0 (which is the first version I used). So if you didn't
encounter the problem yet, maybe you never will ;)

I had problems. I use FPC 2.6. Because that problems I'm using such
abstract prefix in all local variables..  =|

As I said: this feature is older than my first usage of FPC. So you'll have to life with it as we all need to (yes, I would know how to disable it and no, I don't want to). If you want to use ambitious naming then use mode Delphi.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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