Wimpie Nortje wrote:
I have used ALSA to record sound. It was some time ago, I think on
Kubuntu 10.04 or so.

I can send you some code I used but I have no idea whether it will work
under newer Linux's

Thanks, but since it's specifically MIDI I'm interested in it might not be relevant.

Can you remember which Pascal interface to the ALSA libraries you were using? I think I've seen two, but I've not yet checked to see whether they were actually minor variants of the same thing.

On 2012/05/06 10:09 AM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
Has anybody used FPC to control ALSA on Linux? I need to filter a MIDI
stream in real time, and handle transposition etc.

If anybody knows of useful resources I'd appreciate any hints.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

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