leledumbo wrote:

Thanks for those. Also http://perso.wanadoo.es/plcl/alsapas/alsapas-en.html so as I thought there appears to be (at least) two sets of ALSA bindings: fpalsa and alsapas.

Noted HuMuS, but that appears to be for PortAudio. However using that as a seed I get to http://breakoutbox.de/pascal/pascal.html#PortAudio which claims to include PortMidi support- this is supposedly cross-platform but requires an additional library which might not be available on all distreaux. Also MIDI is very much the "poor cousin" and operating support is patchy, so since I've got ALSA working I'm reluctant to risk breaking anything.

Since running on anything other than Linux is not a significant priority, I think I'll probably start off with by doing a comparison of fpalsa and alsapas, and writing code that will support either if possible. If I could also code to support PortMidi that would be a bonus, but by no means essential: I'm trying to knock together a MIDI transposer for my own use, and testbed some techniques for another project.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

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