On 25-9-2012 7:44, Reinier Olislagers wrote:
> On 24-9-2012 20:21, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
>> IMHO, it should do fixed format and CSV as indicated by the RFC I posted.
>> All the rest is nice, but not required from my perspective.
> It's not required anymore from my perspective either. I just wanted to
> fix sdfdataset so that it does what it says on the tin.
> I'd suggest:
> 1. adding a readme as indicated in my other mail so that users and
> developers do not fall into the same trap
> 2. documenting similar unwritten assumptions in other relevant units as
> well. Not doing so is a great way to discourage contributors
> 3. dealing with issues 22894, 22882 as you see fit
Oh and
4. considering removing the TestInputOurFormattests test from

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