On 17/12/2012 10:45, michael.vancann...@wisa.be wrote:

On Mon, 17 Dec 2012, LacaK wrote:

Yes. May be, that I was not clear. My suggestion was 3+ fields in query:

But original question AFAIU was about: what should GetTableNames return (schema query can return multiple columns, but what column use when fill list of table names)?
GetTableNames return list of table names into TStrings.
Now only TABLE_NAME is returned. John requested, that also schema name should be prefixed (if there is any)

Ah, that was not clear to me :-)

But why the SCHEMA_TABLE_NAME ? It's redundant information, as the
information is present in SCHEMA_NAME and TABLE_NAME anyway ?

If you need the schema name, why not just access the SCHEMA_NAME field ?

A different story is the GetTableNames call, which will - presumably - use
the above information.

There I think some extra options are needed:

TSchemaOption = (soPrependSchemaName,soIncludeSystemObjects);
TSchemaOptions = set of TSchemaOption;

Procedure GetTableNames(List : TStrings; Options : TSchemaOptions = []);

I am not interested in schema information, but I can imagine some people are
(the original poster, obviously). The above caters for everyone and keeps
backwards compatibility.
The question is also why return SCHEMA_NAME || '.' || TABLE_NAME when this is not always usable in a query later on ? One DB needs "SCHEMA_NAME"."TABLE_NAME", another `SCHEMA_NAME`.`TABLE_NAME`.
An additional option soQuoteNames?


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