The question is also why return SCHEMA_NAME || '.' || TABLE_NAME when this is not always usable in a query later on ? One DB needs "SCHEMA_NAME"."TABLE_NAME", another `SCHEMA_NAME`.`TABLE_NAME`.
An additional option soQuoteNames?

Well, if you don't need the concatenation, presumably you don't need the quotes :-)

I thought the schema query is connection dependent ?

In that case, there is no need for this option, as the connection will apply
the quotes as needed ?

I'm not talking about the query to get the schema/table names but the result from GetTableNames. For those that want the schema information (reason for the soPrependSchemaName option) and want to write a query using a string from the result from GetTableNames are in for some parsing to quote the different parts. Reason why I suggested an additional option to quote the result from GetTableNames so that that can be handled by the connection.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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