On 02/12/2013 01:58 PM, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
The LCL has a default exception handler, so that the application notifies the user, that the application has a bug instead of simply crashing and vanishing silently. The programmr is reponsible to handle exceptions, show the user error messages and give the user choices (e.g. ignore, retry).
That's what I was relying on. There's nothing the application can do if a user has write-protected the configuration files, or if there's a disk error while writing (I didn't think of a non existing .config/, because I've always found it there, before the last episode).
So I was just happy with a system error, which in this case fails to show.

As an additional information:
in FormClose

ini := TIniFile.Create(BadAppConfigFileName);
  on E: Exception do Application.ShowException(E);

shows the error only on the console, but no visual dialog.

  on E: Exception do MessageDlg(E.Message,mtError,[mbOk],0);

shows a proper message dialog.

Maybe this discussion should be moved to Lazarus list?


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