On 17.02.2013 14:40, Frank Church wrote:
On 17 February 2013 09:35, Florian Klämpfl <flor...@freepascal.org> wrote:
Am 17.02.2013 09:55, schrieb ik:

On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 10:13 AM, Florian Klämpfl
<flor...@freepascal.org <mailto:flor...@freepascal.org>> wrote:

     Am 16.02.2013 20:45, schrieb geneb:
     > On Sat, 16 Feb 2013 <tel:2013>, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
     >>> I tried something like this before and I was suprised at the
     dearth of
     >>> Lazarus and FreePascal bloggers. Getting Lazarus and FPC developers,
     >>> (let alone users) to blog about their experiences is like pulling
     >>> teeth.I think a law should be passed requiring FPC users to blog
     >>> their usage and experiences at least twice a year.
     >> Maybe not everyone is so enthousiast about blogs as you ?
     >> I agree with Florian; I prefer to work on FPC.
     > While I can certainly understand your point of view, the more people
     > that are talking about FPC and Lazarus, the more people that will
     > exposed to it.

     Isn't the svn rss feed not the best opportunity to talk about
     fpc/lazarus :)?

When I hear stuff like "sure pascal is cool but lack of good string
support", I think that it is more self explanatory then anything.

At the local open source community I'm a known evangelist for Object
Pascal, and my blog is full of code, text etc, regarding stuff in object
Some of the people over here that actually started using FPC/Lazarus
arrived due to my blog posts, so spreading the word is very important imho.

It is. But some might code, others might evangelize. What I wanted to
say: those who are interested what happens in FPC in detail might follow
also the svn rss feed. There is simply no need for the developers to
blog about this.
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

To be fair to Michael and Florian, the compiler i.e. FPC is not  the
same as the IDE Lazarus, which is the hub for most of the activity, so
one can understand their outlook, but a bit of info from the leading
lights of FPC every now and then would be appreciated :)

My beef is mostly with Lazarus developers. They are more at fault here
as a lot of the new features which make a good difference to
productivity tend go unannounced or unnoticed.

It might not be related to Lazarus, but because of this I've started to write feature announcements for new and big changes (generic constraints, TThread extension, type helpers) so that users can see what new features were added to the compiler/the class libraries so that they can test them (and hopefully report bugs they find). Also I'm trying to give potential future developments so that they can see in what ways a feature could be improved.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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