Ludo Brands wrote:
On 03/09/2013 02:08 PM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
I don't know whether anybody can help me with this one, but I'm working
on something where I need a program to be able to create login-capable
database users on-the-fly. I was hoping to be able to use either
PostgreSQL or Firebird as the backend, but while Postgres is working
fine Firebird is proving to be sufficiently difficult that I might just
drop it.
Have you tried the fbadmin unit that comes with 2.6.2? It implements
some of the interbase service routines such as user management and
backup/restore. There has a convenient AddUser method.

Thanks Ludo and Tony, I'll take a look at that a bit later in the day but I'm sure I'll have more questions.

What I'm trying to do is set up a tree of database servers and apps, and was hoping to allow cooperating admins to use Firebird at the leaf nodes on account of its perceived ease of configuration etc. Having said that, if I have to start moving outside "standard" SQL to do things like user creation, i.e. maintain both SQL-based commands for PostgreSQL and API sequences for Firebird, much of the perceived advantage disappears.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

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